You can film anything and anyone as long as you have permission. Any footage deemed by Northern Lights to be slanderous, promoting goods or services, advocating intolerance, violence or bigotry, intentionally inaccurate in the representation of persons or places or not suitable for a PG audience will be removed from the site, and the submitter may be banned from further entry. We will contact you letting you know your footage was not suitable for submission. Your footage must also comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines.
Please do not add a soundtrack to your footage. We ask you not to include any music in your video unless this is your music and you own all the rights to it e.g. you are a band who has written a song and you film yourself performing the song.
When deciding on a location for your footage remember that the location will be published on YouTube and potentially in a film so if it’s a private property you’ll need permission from the owner to film there.
Your footage must have been shot in Scotland.
or it must address Scotland and the questions proposed by the Northern Lights project, see the 3 questions.