Good news! All submissions have now been viewed and we have now selected the long-lists for our award categories!
With so many fantastic submissions it was by no means easy to make a selection and now creative director, Nick Higgins and the Northern Lights judges have the difficult task of choosing winners for each category.
The judges are: funny man, Sanjeev Kohli (Navid from ‘Still Game’), author Alan Bissett, film critic Hannah McGill, Inbetweeners producer Chris Young, and journalist and commentator Lesley Riddoch.
Together with Nick, they will announce their final decisions on Tuesday 31 July.
In the meantime you can view the long-lists here:
Best ‘Funny’ – £750
Best ‘Issue-based’ - £750
Best ‘Creative’ - £750
Best ‘Memory’- £750
Best Non-English Submission – £750
Best Workshop Submission – £1000
Best Ambassador – £750 Winner(s) will also be announced on 31 July.
A massive congratulations to all those selected. We have truly had our eyes opened by your submissions.
To all those that have not been selected, please remember that this does not mean that your footage will not appear in the final film. On that note, we will soon return with news from the edit suite about how all your submissions are coming together to create one unique documentary feature film.
So for now, well-done and thank you Scotland!